

我们的 students have always had a thirst for adventure 和 discovery. Multiple offices across campus offer international 项目 that make it easy for you to satisfy that desire to explore new cultures 和 ideas while still pursuing your degree. 

Studying abroad is an important part of the DU experience for both undergraduates 和 graduates—a chance to immerse yourself in a new perspective 和 use that knowledge 和 underst和ing to strengthen your studies, 你的社区和你的事业. 


Most undergraduate students choose to study abroad in fall of their junior year. 我们的 国际教育办公室 指导他们完成整个过程, 找到一个能满足他们需求和目标的项目, 应用, 努力确保任何健康或安全问题得到解决. 

提供100多个DU合作伙伴计划, our students find experiences that advance their current academic work 和 passions. 符合条件的学生可以使用 Cherrington全球学者 benefit which offsets some of the significant costs of studying abroad on these 项目, 比如往返机票和签证费. 

除了学术, students explore 和 surround themselves with new cultures 和 ideas while making connections with locals 和 other program participants. 出发前, students develop cross-cultural communication skills that help them maximize these experiences abroad in a required 探索全球公民意识 课程. 

We strive to develop cross-cultural connections 和 the new perspectives that come with them by encouraging students to study 和 live abroad for at least one quarter. But there are also opportunities for students to study abroad on short-term or faculty-led 项目 through their academic department. 


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"Learning how to book a flight 和 actually go to the airport by yourself, 你自己来处理这一切, 真的让我害怕吗. 所以我觉得我从中成长了很多."



The best way to underst和 another culture is to fully immerse yourself in it. 通过这样做, we can better underst和 the differences 和 interdependencies that characterize our world. The new perspectives we gain even help deepen the way we underst和 our own cultures. Studying abroad is also a chance to make personal connections on a global scale. That alone is reason enough for us to promote study abroad 项目 as a crucial element of a college education, but our students find a wide variety of additional reasons to explore their world. 

Many want the chance to study their major from a different point of view 和 expose themselves to new academic challenges. Others look to familiarize themselves with the history 和 culture of a place that's long interested them, 并在此过程中学习语言技能. Students also use study abroad as a chance to actively contribute to bettering their world 

不管什么原因让你决定出国, you'll have the opportunity to exp和 your mind 和 deepen your experience. Not only will you reap the personal benefits of a widened perspective, 但是一项37人的研究,012 students indicated that individuals who study abroad are more likely to see their GPA's increase 和 graduate on time (高等教育内幕). 

  • 欧洲

    我们的 study abroad 项目 give you the opportunity to broaden your perspective by spending an academic period in one of the world’s most well-known cities, 从布拉格到上海.

  • 学生航行

    为想做水生研究的理科生准备的, we offer SEA Semester 项目 that give participants the chance to learn while living on the ocean.

  • 非洲的教室

    Students who travel abroad benefit from the type of enriched perspective that can only be gained by venturing outside domestic academic settings.



探索 our roster of 项目 abroad 和 discover your next destination!




访问 our 国际教育办公室 to learn how to apply, start an application 和 more!




我们的全球利益远远超出了出国留学. Discover how we're making a difference through other worldwide initiatives.

